Nor'easter III: April, 23-25 1999

The ASL Nor'easter is New England's regional ASL championships. It is held annually near Boston, MA. It is a yearly get-together of people in the New England area that play Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). The Nor'easter is hosted and directed by the boys from The Bunker and the Yankee ASL Group
Visitors are very welcome, and you'll probably be able to play a game if you want to learn. Have a look at the archived web sites for previous Nor'easters to see what the event is like.
Nor'Easter '99 will be April 23-25, 1999 at the Citidel Game Store in Groton, Connecticut. This year we're expanding t o Friday evening for the tournament start. The tournament officially gets under way at 6pm Friday night, and finishes Sunday afternoon. Note: after the Citidel closes, come around the back of the building and enter through the first door you come to. We'll put up signs, but it's dark around there so come early!
Admission is $5 for pre-registrants and $10 at the door. Make checks payable to the Citidel. Call 860-445-0641 for information about the Citidel; contact Carl Noguiera about tournament details.
Main Tournament
Convention format is 5+ rounds, 1 round Friday, 3 rounds Saturday, and 2 on Sunday, in the AvalonCon style.