Nor'easter V: March 22-24, 2001

The ASL Nor'easter is New England's regional ASL championships. It is held annually near Boston, MA. It is a yearly get-together of people in the New England area that play Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). The Nor'easter is hosted and directed by the boys from The Bunker and the Yankee ASL Group
Visitors are very welcome, and you'll probably be able to play a game if you want to learn. Have a look at the archived web sites for previous Nor'easters to see what the event is like.
The Nor'easter started at 1pm on Friday and went until 8pm on Sunday, with 24-hour access to the gaming rooms. Location: Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Main Tournament
The tournament is a swiss format, with prizes for first, second, third and third place. Players choose from five scenarios per round. Five or six rounds of play are required to select the winners. There is two rounds on Friday, three on Saturday, and one on Sunday.
Staturday Mini Tournament
Mini A is a 3-round tournament for 8 players. It is single-elimination. To win, a player must win all 3 rounds of the tournament. If you lose any round, you're out.
Here's the scenario list:
Round 1 - 3rd RTR in the Rain or Brasche Encounter
Round 2 - Trail to Hell or Special Delivery
Round 3 - Kampfgruppe at Karachev (Journal version, J23)
In rounds 1 & 2, players select their scenario in any mutually agreeable fashion. If they cannot mutually agree, flip a coin to determine the scenario to be played. This mini may take until Sunday morning to conclude. Players should not enter this mini unless they are prepared to play all 3 rounds. The prize is a plaque.
Sunday Mini
Sunday is a 2 round mini-tournament for 8 players. This mini will feature brand new home-grown scenarios debuting at Nor'easter V. These scenarios will be handed out to all Nor'easter attendees when they arrive. These scenarios require the following game materials:
Nationalities: German (regular and SS), Russian, British
Boards: 33, 5, 46
Overlays: Wd5 (woods), X12, X18
Each scenario will have bonus VP gained by the winner of the scenario. At the end of the second round, each undefeated player will total up his bonus VP. The undefeated player with the highest bonus VP total from his 2 games will be declared the winner of the mini-tournament. In the event of a tie of bonus VPs, a coin flip will determine the winner. The prize is a plaque.