Nor'easter VI: March 22-24, 2002

The ASL Nor'easter is New England's regional ASL championships. It is held annually near Boston, MA. It is a yearly get-together of people in the New England area that play Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). The Nor'easter is hosted and directed by the boys from The Bunker and the Yankee ASL Group
Visitors are very welcome, and you'll probably be able to play a game if you want to learn. Have a look at the archived web sites for previous Nor'easters to see what the event is like.
The Nor'easter started at 1pm on Friday and went until 8pm on Sunday, with 24-hour access to the gaming rooms. Location: Best Western Royal Plaza in Marlborough, Massachusetts.
Main Tournament
The tournament is a swiss format, with prizes for first, second, third and third place. Players choose from five scenarios per round. Five or six rounds of play are required to select the winners. There is two rounds on Friday, three on Saturday, and one on Sunday.
Staturday Mini Tournament
The Saturday mini is a 3-round, single elimination mini with a fixed list of scenarios from the Dispatches. You must supply your own scenario sheets. The first 8 players who sign up for this mini will be the participants. If more than 8 players sign up, priority will be given to any players who are attending the tournament only on Saturday. Players must be ready to start playing at 8 am on Saturday, and must complete all 3 rounds in the same day.
Prior to the tournament, choose 2 scenarios from each round, and rank them #1 and #2 in preference of play. When selecting a scenario each round with your opponent, compare your choices. If both #1 choices match, play it. If only 1 scenario is on both of your lists, play it. If your #1 is his #2 and vice versa, then dice for it.
MOFO Tournament
The Big Mo-Fo is a new feature this year, to cater to those who want to play bigger scenarios. We've designed a list of larger scenarios to pick from. Each of these will be an all-day event. Note that Friday starts at 1pm, so the scenarios are a bit smaller. This is a single-elimination mini for 8 players. We strongly encourage early registration for this mini, and that you have your 3 favorite scenarios in each round selected and with defender/attacker setups pre-determined before the Nor'easter starts. If more than 8 players register for the Mo-fo, priority will be given to those who meet the above criteria. This is not an event for the slow or methodical--to finish these in time, you'll need to setup and play fast. Players must be ready to start at 1pm on Friday and 8am on Saturday and Sunday.
Prior to the tournament, select 3 scenarios for each round, rank them 1-3 in order of your preference of play, and plan your defense and offense.
Sunday Mini: Dispaches from the Bunker II
The Sunday mini is a 2-round, single elimination mini with a fixed list of scenarios from the Dispatches. The first 4 players who sign up for this mini will be the participants. If more than 4 players sign up, priority will be given to any players who are attending the tournament only on Sunday. Players must be ready to start playing at 8am on Sunday, and must complete both rounds in the same day.
This mini will feature all-new Dispatches scenarios, which will be supplied for the participants. Plan for no more than 4 hours per round. They will use boards F (deluxe) and 15, and nationalities German, British and Russian. The mini winner will be the single undefeated player after 3 rounds. A trophy will be presented to the winner.