Nor'easter XIV: March 19-21, 2010
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Nor'easter Flyer (Word) |
Nor'easter Flyer (PDF) |

The ASL Nor'easter is New England's regional ASL championships. It is held annually near Boston, MA. It is a yearly get-together of people in the New England area that play Advanced Squad Leader (ASL). The Nor'easter is hosted and directed by the boys from The Bunker and the Yankee ASL Group
Visitors are very welcome, and you'll probably be able to play a game if you want to learn. Have a look at the archived web sites for previous Nor'easters to see what the event is like.
The Nor'easter will start at noon on Friday and go until 8pm on Sunday, with 24-hour access to the gaming rooms. Location: Holiday Inn - 242 Adams Place, Boxborough MA 01719.
Main Tournament
The tournament is a swiss format, with prizes for first, second, third and third place. Players choose from five scenarios per round. Five or six rounds of play are required to select the winners. There are two rounds on Friday, three on Saturday, and one on Sunday.
Friday Partisan Mini
This mini-tournament is a two-rounder featuring scenarios involving partisan troops. Your results in this tourney count towards the main event, so there's no excuse not to get involved in the Friday mini. Limited to 4 participants. Read more details here.
Big Mo-Fo Tournament
Vic Provost will be sponsoring a 4 player Bread & Butter Mo-Fo with one large scenario for Friday afternoon and evening, a 2nd, even larger Scenario for all Saturday day/afternoon/evening with Sunday AM left open in case we don't finish Saturday night. These will be large combined arms actions with few to moderate SSRs and emphasis on applying the basic rules from chapters A to D.
Saturday Mini Tournament
Ralph will coordinate the Saturday mini featuring some un-released, tourney style Valor of the Guards actions by Tom Morin. Starts Satuday morning at 8:00am, ending Saturday evening. Registration is limited to eight participants, and lasts three rounds. This tournament is for you if you're an experienced ASL player and are only going to attend on Saturday!
Starter Kit Corner
The Noreaster is also encouraging starter kit attendees for some open, ie; non-tournament gaming versus other starter kit players. We will not only be matching starter kit players against each other at the event, but can also match people via email prior to the event. In this way players will know who their first game will be against and in what scenario. If you would be interested in this service please contact Carl Nogueira at You can also indicate you are attending and interested in playing starter kit games by adding your name to the list of players looking for starter kit games when you Signup to Attend!.