Virtual Nor'easter XXV: March 18-22, 2021

This year, due to the continuing effects of the pandemic, the Nor'easter will be run in a VASL format. The dates are as follows:
3/18 Open Gaming
3/19-3/22 Main Tournament
If interested pre-register here because all round one matchups and open gaming match ups are pre-done for the contestants. Please forward all questions to Carl Nogueira.
We are not planning on running any mini's this year. If I hear otherwise, I will advise immediately.
Due to this being VASL run and as we expect participation from widely divergent time zones,
so we will begin the rounds later than our normal start times.
Round 1 Friday 3/19 11AM EST-4PM EST Completed!
Round 2 Friday 3/19 5PM EST-until you finish Completed!
Round 3 Friday 3/19 11AM EDT start
Round 4 Saturday 3/20 11AM EDT start
Round 5 Sunday 3/21 11AM EDT start
Prizes will be offered from major manufacturers for the top three finishers as always.
Special VASL Board Notes
Board NP3: Ok, this board is not so standard.
- Dark Brown Hexes such as G1 and H1 are Hillocks (F6.0).
- Hexes such as B7 and D6 are Valley Hexes and while we did not in our two uses of the board, they could also be used by future designers as Deirs (F4.0). Hex O9 and J2 are not Gulley hexes, but Valley hexes with a Gulley leading from them over hexsides O9/N9 and O9/P8 and J2/I3 respectively.
- There are numerous Slope hexsides which are in play unless specified by SSR such as M7/M6 or O5/P5 (Page P1-P2 in KampfGruppe Peiper Rules section 2.0).
- Hexes such as C3 and D2 are considered Brush.
Board NP2:
- There is a new hexside terrain on this board that reflects wooden fences. An example of which are hexsides K5/L5, J5/K6. These are treated EXACTLY like Hedges except that the following also applies to them as noted in the scenario, Chances Are Slim. The -1 TEM for Airbursts
(B13.3) applies to all Direct Fire HE attacks vs. unarmored or CE targets that are claiming WA over a Wooden Fence hexside.
Other than this, the board is standard in every way.
Board NP1:
- The Streams running from Z0-Z10 and from A8-N9 are examples of Stream-Hex terrain as in the module KampfGruppe Peiper page P2, rules 4.1-4.13.
- Hexes O10 and P9 should be treated as Swamp. Hexside O10-N9 leads directly into the Stream-Kunai hex along the Depression hexside. All rules otherwise applying to Kunai/Jungle/Dense Jungle hexes apply normally, including limited stacking in a Dense Jungle hex.
- There is a Ditch stretching from E4-K6, located in Kunai hexes. This Ditch is treated exactly as a Shellhole (B2.3-2.4). Also be aware of rule B9.33, last sentence given its close proximity to higher terrain.
- There are also Paths through Kunai on this board and they function exactly like paths through any other terrain.