Sponsors of the Nor'easter ASL Tournament


Virtual Nor'easter XXV: March 18-22, 2021

Downloadable Resources
Nor'easter Flyer (Word)
Nor'easter Flyer (PDF)
Download All Main Tourney Scans (21MB)
Download Special VASL Boards (1MB)
Download Recommended Thursday Scans (1.7MB)
BFP22 Special Rules (PDF)
Round 2 VASL Setup Files (ZIP)
Round 3 VASL Setup Files (ZIP)

This year, due to the continuing effects of the pandemic, the Nor'easter will be run in a VASL format. The dates are as follows:
3/18 Open Gaming
3/19-3/22 Main Tournament

If interested pre-register here because all round one matchups and open gaming match ups are pre-done for the contestants. Please forward all questions to Carl Nogueira.

We are not planning on running any mini's this year. If I hear otherwise, I will advise immediately.
Due to this being VASL run and as we expect participation from widely divergent time zones, so we will begin the rounds later than our normal start times.
Round 1 Friday 3/19 11AM EST-4PM EST Completed!
Round 2 Friday 3/19 5PM EST-until you finish Completed!
Round 3 Friday 3/19 11AM EDT start
Round 4 Saturday 3/20 11AM EDT start
Round 5 Sunday 3/21 11AM EDT start

Prizes will be offered from major manufacturers for the top three finishers as always.

Special VASL Board Notes

Board NP3: Ok, this board is not so standard.

Board NP2:

Other than this, the board is standard in every way.

Board NP1: