Tips for Play

Before starting to play, players should make sure they've checked for errata on the scenario, any balance provisions suggested by the Tournament Director, and agreed on optional rules such as the use of the IIFT. If, during play, a rules dispute ensues, please try to resolve it yourselves. If unable to resolve a rules dispute quickly, consult the tourney director. Try to get your games done within the times allotted for the rounds.
When You First Arrive:
- Sign in at the head table. Get your name tag, Personal Information Sheet (PIS), your match card (a yellow sticky with your name and record on it), and any other materials (errata, suggested balance, scenario lists, etc.).
- Put your match card in the ready box, or even better find an opponent and put your match card in the playing box.
- Pick out a spot to dump your stuff. Don't take up more room than needed.
Before each round:
- Find an opponent in the ready box that has the same record as you.
- Put your match card with your opponent's in the playing box.
- Pick a scenario.
- Fill out your match record sheet with the information for this round.
After each round:
- Fill out your match record sheet with the results.
- Update your win/loss on your match card.
- Return your match card to the ready box on the status board, and find a new opponent with the same record.